How much is a perm at Great Clips? is an independent website for general information about Great Clips.

For decades, perms have been a popular way to achieve luscious, bouncy curls that transform straight or lifeless hair into a glamorous cascade of waves. If you’ve ever considered getting a perm, you might wonder about the cost and whether it’s an affordable option for you. Great Clips, a name synonymous with accessible hair care, offers perms that can add a touch of elegance to your hairstyle without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of perms at Great Clips, exploring their cost, process, and why it’s the perfect place for achieving curly hair magic.


Hair Style


Perms: Unlocking the World of Curls

A perm, short for “permanent wave,” is a chemical treatment that alters the structure of your hair to create long-lasting curls or waves. This process involves applying a special solution that breaks down the hair’s natural bonds and reshapes them with the help of rods. The result is a head full of lively curls that can add volume and texture to your hair.

Great Clips understands that a perm is not a one-size-fits-all service. Their skilled stylists take the time to consult with you, discussing your hair goals and desires. Whether you’re looking for tight, spiral curls or loose, beachy waves, the stylists will work with you to achieve the perfect perm that suits your unique style and preferences.

The Cost of Curls: Perms at Great Clips

One of the most appealing aspects of getting a perm at Great Clips is its affordability. The cost of a perm typically ranges between $45 to $80, depending on the location and the specific type of perm you choose. This price includes the expertise of their trained stylists and the quality hair care products used during the process.

The salon’s commitment to transparency means that you’ll know the exact cost before starting the treatment, so you can plan your budget accordingly. Great Clips’ dedication to keeping their prices reasonable makes perms accessible to a wide range of customers, regardless of their budget.

Bursting with Expertise: Great Clips’ Perm Process

Great Clips takes pride in its team of experienced stylists who are well-versed in the art of perms. When you arrive at the salon for your perm appointment, the stylist will guide you through the process, answering any questions or concerns you may have.

The perm process begins with a consultation, where the stylist will assess your hair’s condition and discuss your desired curl size and style. Once the details are finalized, the stylist will apply the perm solution to your hair, carefully wrapping sections around rods to achieve your chosen curl pattern. After allowing the solution to set, the hair is rinsed, and a neutralizing solution is applied to lock in the curls. The final step involves a gentle wash and conditioning to ensure your hair remains healthy and vibrant.

Great Clips’ burstiness in communication ensures that clients of all ages and backgrounds can easily understand the perm process. From explaining the technicalities in simple terms to using creative language that resonates with a diverse audience, Great Clips makes sure that their message reaches and appeals to everyone.


If you’ve ever dreamt of flaunting gorgeous curls, getting a perm at Great Clips can bring that dream to life without straining your wallet. With their skilled stylists, transparent pricing, and personalized approach, Great Clips makes perms accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

The burstiness in their communication ensures that their message about perms is clear and captivating for a diverse range of customers. So, the next time you’re craving a new look, head over to Great Clips to unleash the beauty of curly elegance within reach. Treat yourself to a perm that will leave you feeling fabulous and ready to take on the world with your stunning new curls.

To learn more information about Great Clips, you can visit their official website.

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